Museumsausstellung & Awards 2024

Dare to design

31.08.2024 – 05.01.2025

Award ceremony and opening
30.08.2024, from 18:30 at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main

The exhibition “Dare to Design” (31.08.-05.01.2025) at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main presents the most outstanding works by graduates of German universities. They provide deep insights into their work and show promising solutions for tackling the major challenges of our time – climate change, political radicalization, gender equality. These are complex and sometimes simple, but all the more intelligent concepts with which the designers are shaping our future. An expert jury selected projects and concepts for “Dare to Design” from over 220 submissions that reflect the range of innovative power of design talent – from circular product design for electronics and wind energy in urban areas to medical solutions using 3D printing and robot-assisted craftsmanship.

The exhibitors will be announced shortly.

The exhibition is being realized by the design office

The opening program

Friday, 30.08.2024

18:30: Award ceremony & opening
From 20:00: Exhibition open
Free admission

Projects and concepts that radically rethink or reimagine the economy and society and dare to create a new future: over 40 young designers showcase the latest positions, ideas and visions in product and industrial design. With their projects, the graduates of German universities present promising approaches to tackling the major challenges of our time – climate change, political radicalisation, gender equality. The designers are shaping our future with complex and sometimes surprisingly simple, yet all the more intelligent concepts. The projects for the exhibition were selected by a thirteen-member jury of experts and realised by the design studio The exhibition runs from 31 August 2024 to 5 January 2025.

Saturday, 31.08.2024

GDG Talks

Under the influence of serious developments in politics, society and the environment, the GDG Talks are dedicated to the central issues of our time. Moderated by experts, renowned guests from industry, research, culture and politics will talk to design graduates about transformative approaches in design.
In panels, the participants will explore the question of what design can contribute to a circular product culture, how innovative solutions for a world in climate change can be created or how design can have an impact on society. They will shed light on perspectives on a new learning culture or planet-centered ideas.

Topics include how design contributes to a sustainable product culture, develops innovative solutions for climate problems and has an impact on society. It is also about how design influences politics, opens up new ways of learning and promotes environmentally friendly ideas.


Turning Ideas Into Reality – Visionary Circular Design Principles

Designing and production in cycles is a prerequisite for the sustainable transformation of our product culture and economy. How do designers contribute to translating circular design principles into practicable solutions for today’s markets? What role can companies, research organisations and interest groups play in driving the circular economy forward?

Entrepreneurs, researchers and industrial designers will talk about the design of recyclable products, sustainable concepts and holistic services.

One Step Beyond – Perspectives on planet-centered and cross-species design


Circular Design – A guided tour through the exhibition with exhibitors


Panelists will be announced shortly. Admission included in the exhibition ticket, without registration.

Exhibition location

Museum Angewandte Kunst

The Museum of Applied Arts in Frankfurt am Main is among the most esteemed and prominent museums of its kind internationally. It is dedicated to applied arts, design, fashion, book art, graphics, and architecture, as well as lifestyles and performance. With its changing exhibitions, it focuses on the perception of societal trends and developments. Since its reopening in 2013 under the direction of Prof. Matthias Wagner K, the Museum of Applied Arts sees itself as a space of possibilities – as a place for sensory realms of thought and experience, for conversations, and critical discussions.

Museum Angewandte Kunst
Frankfurt am Main
Duration: 31/08/2024 – 05/01/2025

Opening hours


Tuesay, Thursday – Sunday
10 am – 6 pm

10 am – 8 pm

Jury Awards & EXhibition

The jury’s selection is characterized by a wide range of topics as well as differentiated design attitudes. The selected projects respond intelligently and in a forward-looking way to challenges at the intersection of culture, society, research, technology and sustainability. On the day before the opening of the exhibition, four award winners will be selected from among the exhibitors in a jury round, who will particularly impress the jurors with their outstanding work.

The graduation projects will be evaluated with individual weighting in the areas of innovation & impact, design & construction, and presentation & communication. In addition, specific selection criteria are added that relate to Sustainability & Circular Thinking, Society & Community, and Research & Transfer.

More information on the jury & the selection process

Important information

Photographs and film footage taken at events on behalf of the German Design Council will be used by the German Design Council exclusively for documentation, reporting and advertising purposes. By registering, the applicant agrees to this use. This consent can be revoked informally at any time (e.g. by e-mail to the address or in writing to the German Design Council).

The German Design Council reserves the right to cancel the event shortly before it takes place. If the event cannot take place or cannot take place in full as a result of force majeure, this shall not give rise to any claims on the part of the applicant.

Archiv 2019 – 2023