3D-gedrucktes Organmodell für die assistierte Cholezystektomie-Operation

Nan Song

Cooperation Partner: Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Individualisierte und Zellbasierte Medizintechnik, Lübeck

März / March - 2024

Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen

Master of Arts


It is a constant concern to better simulate and characterise the condition of organs. In this work, digital sculpting, parametric modelling and mapping were used to create the organ model. The advantages of accuracy and elasticity of colour and elastic 3D printing techniques have been combined. Finally, this thesis develops positioning and support platforms for the coloured gallbladder models, the movable liver models and other organ models that play a supporting role. The organ model developed in this thesis allows physicians to practice ligation and transection of the gallbladder duct and artery during gallbladder removal. In addition, the advantages of manual modelling for the visual effect and production efficiency of 3D printed organs were suggested.