Rough Edges

From Selective Sorting to Individual Expression

Julia Karpf

Februar / February - 2024

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


‘Rough Edges’ criticises the problem of food waste based on appearance. As consumers, we can make a decisive contribution here, as our purchasing decisions have a significant impact on the market. Behavioural analysis has shown that selective behaviour is due to oversupply, lack of appreciation and lack of reference to the origin of food. ‘Carlo – the grow up store’ was developed for nursery schools and embodies the food cycle from cultivation to harvest. In the raised bed, children learn about the value of their food through their own experience. The integrated shop allows children to playfully purchase naturally grown produce directly from the soil. ‘Carlo’ aims to challenge the consumerist lifestyle and create more acceptance for vegetables with corners and edges.