A Graphic Guide On Female Tropes

An Illustrated Reference Book of Gender-Specific Clichés

Lilly Alicia Günther

Januar / January - 2024

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden

Bachelor of Arts


From a very early age, in fact from birth, we are judged by what we do, what we like or hate, what we are or become. Ready-made phrases, typical idioms and clichés exist in our minds and are put on our tongues by our society. Individually, these terms take on meaning for us, but also for the people around us: Bimbo, Career Woman, Horse Girl, BossBitch, Bitch, Cat Lady, Emancipator and Wannabe Feminist. These female tropes often have their origins in sexism, outdated role models and internalised mysogeny. The bachelor thesis ‘A Graphic Guide on Female Tropes’ takes these stereotypes and combines them into a kind of reference book.