non traditional wood bending

non traditional wood bending

Ilija Majcen

Juli / July - 2023

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


During my carpentry apprenticeship, I worked in a traditional workshop with minimal machinery and hand-drawn designs. We crafted various items, but I longed for an even more archaic experience. This led me to the Walz, a German tradition where craftsmen travel to learn new skills. I learned to forge tools, fell trees, and hew beams, deepening my appreciation for traditional craftsmanship.

After seven years with traditional tools, I came to art college expecting a hands-on Bauhaus experience. Things were different; I had to switch to digital tools. Initially, I resisted, but the robot changed that. I saw its potential beyond making things faster and cheaper.

In my thesis, I explore the intersection of traditional and modern techniques, reflecting my inner conflict. I aim to enhance the traditional craft of bending wood with a robotic arm. My research shows that merging traditional craftsmanship with modern technology can create new forms, broadening traditional craft.