The German Design Graduates Awards initiative will also be presenting awards in 2022. The prizes are each endowed with 2,500€, sponsored by the German Design Council Foundation.
Yujin Kang
Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
The Design Culture Award 2022 is awarded to the project E Cloud – Home by Yujin Kang, graduate of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach. Against the backdrop of the current energy crisis, Yujin Kang develops a democratic approach to solutions that responds to pressing challenges in urban energy supply and stimulates discourse on product design culture today. The design is convincing not only because of its systemic approach, but also with a concrete product design that is technologically well thought out down to the last detail.
2022 the jury consists of Thomas A. Geisler, Director – Design Campus / Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden), Prof. Matthias Wagner K (Director Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main) as well as Dr. Annemarie Jaeggi (Director Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung Berlin).
Design Research award
Carolin Horn
Technische Universität Dresden
The Design Research Award 2022 honours the thesis Design of an Augmented Reality Interface to Simplify Robot Programming by Carolin Horn, graduate of the Technische Universität Dresden. Carolin Horn convinced the jury with her holistic design research approach and her concrete work at the interface of theory and practice. By combining them and integrating them into the design process, she succeeds in achieving outstanding results. With the programming of robotics supported by gesture control, she dedicates herself to a future-relevant topic, which she presents with a user case. Horn particularly convinced the jury with the concrete application and description of the empirical procedure, the linking of the Master’s thesis with practice and science.
The jury for the Design Research Award 2022 consisted of Dr. Andrea Augsten (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) GmbH and Stephan Ott (Head of Institute for Design Research and Appliance, Stiftung Rat für Formgebung).
Social Design Award
Ezra Dilger / Kollektiv Plus X
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
The Social Design Award 2022 is awarded to the project Theater on Tour by Ezra Dilger, Master’s graduate of Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle.
The project responds to social challenges with a concrete solution and triggers social change processes through its open design. “Theater on Tour” is not just a theatre, but a stage for interaction, a place of encounter, a platform especially for rural areas.
The exceptionally high conceptual quality and execution of the fully functional and already tested installation convinced the jury.
The jury for the Social Design Award 2022 consistedof Barbara Lersch (Hans Sauer Stiftung) and Mona Mijthab (Managing Director Mosan & Lecturer ZhdK).
Circular Design Award
Louis Bruno Bindernagel
Universität der Künste Berlin
The Circular Design Award 2022 honours the Whole Earth Project by Louis Bruno Bindernagel, graduate of the Universität der Künste Berlin. The work testifies to the designer’s intensive engagement with simultaneously economic, ecological and social challenges. The project deals with the analysis, consolidation and creation of networks dedicated to the idea of “Think Global, Make Local” and follows the approach of a decentralised production system with ideas that are shared worldwide.
The jury was particularly convinced by the integration of several principles such as efficiency, sufficiency, resilience and consistency in one design, which are circularly designed in as many phases of a life cycle as possible.
The jury for the Circular Design Award 2022 consisted of Daniela Bohlinger (Head of Design BMW Group & Professorin Umeå Institute of Design Sweden) and Leif Huff (Head of Design, Wirelane)

Foto: Oliver Killig