
published 03/03/2025

Extended categories and new opportunities

The German Design Council – German Design Council is simplifying the application process for the renowned ‘German Design Award – Newcomer’ and linking it to the German Design Graduates. In future, the five finalists for this award will be selected from the participants of the German Design Graduates. The four finalists of the ‘German Design Award Newcomer’ will each receive €2,500 in prize money, while the winner will be honoured with €15,000. The award ceremony will take place on 6 February 2026 as part of the German Design Award.

Expansion of the design disciplines
At the same time, we are expanding our content focus: In addition to product and industrial design, work from the fields of textile and fashion design, communication and digital design can also be submitted from 2025. The aim is to do justice to the growing interdisciplinary design practice and to enable an even broader promotion of young talent.

published 03/03/2025

Frequently Asked Questions

This year’s application phase for German Design Graduates 2025 starts on 14.04.2025. We are particularly pleased about this – for the first time, graduation projects from related design disciplines can also take part. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers so that you can prepare yourself optimally.


published 01/15/2025


Foto: Chiara Bellamoli for MAGAZIN

Our partner formats are individual support programmes and are realised with our cooperation partners from industry and culture. The GDG partner formats offer the opportunity to make exclusive contacts, expand skills and share knowledge on design and specific topics. This year, we were able to realise exciting formats such as an exhibition in the MAGAZIN shop in Stuttgart, workshops for schoolchildren at the Museum Angewandte Kunst and various professionalisation workshops.

Overview of the 2024 formats

published 01/14/2024


Before we start the next round, we look back on an exciting GDG year 2024. A total of 245 submissions were received from 22 participating universities. 76 works were presented in two exhibitions. ‘Dare to Design’ at the Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt attracted around 18,000 visitors. We reached around 30,000 guests over 10 days at the Dutch Design Week. We welcomed 130 participants to our networking breakfast.11 projects were nominated for the 4 awards. Together with our partners, we were able to award a total of 38 Supports. We gained 24% more followers on our Instagram account.

published 10/22/2024

Gute idee.

MAGAZIN appreciates the free and unconventional view of things and is therefore a partner of the German Design Graduates – an initiative of the German Design Council Foundation with the aim of promoting graduates from product and industrial design and giving them an international stage. Part of this stage is the exhibition ‘GUTE IDEE. MAGAZINE x GERMAN DESIGN GRADUATES’. From 21-28 November 2024, 11 graduation projects will be on display in the MAGAZIN shop in Stuttgart.

Registration for the vernissage

published 09/01/2024

MEET THE Winners

From around 220 exciting submissions, this year’s expert jury has selected around 40 works for the exhibition, including the finalists for the four awards, which will be presented at the exhibition opening. The projects of the four winners reflect the innovative power that design can have in social and economic change processes in a particularly impressive way.

Winners and Finalists

published 09/01/2024

The Magic Touch: Designing Togetherness

The exhibition “The Magic Touch” at Dutch Design Week 2024 presents works by graduates who, through interaction and tactile experiences, establish new relationships with designed objects, the world, and our shared environment.

The Magic Touch: Designing Togetherness

published 08/12/2024

Meet The FInalists

From around 220 exciting submissions, this year’s expert jury has selected around 40 works for the exhibition, including the finalists for the four awards, which will be presented at the exhibition opening.

Finalists 2024

published 07/29/2024

Annual exhibition 2024 – Dare to Design

Projects and concepts that radically rethink the economy and society: over 50 young designers present innovative positions, ideas and visions from product and industrial design.

This exhibition is funded by the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Areas as part of the Hesse Innovation Promotion Programme under the measure ‘Promotion of cultural and creative industry facilities’.

More information about the exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst

published 05/29/2024

Meet The Jury

Our thirteen-member GDG expert jury, which will select around 40 exhibits for the GDG Museum Exhibition and Awards in a multi-stage process, has been finalised.

More information about the jury & the selection process

published 04/14/2024

Call for Entries – Apply Now

Graduates from participating universities can submit their theses via our online form by 15 May. You can find more information on formalities and funding formats in the GDG Call for Entries 2024. We look forward to receiving your work.

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers.

published 04/03/2024

get Ready – Call For Entries Starts Soon

This year’s application phase for German Design Graduates 2024 starts on 15.04.2024. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions so that you can prepare yourself optimally.


published 12/03/2024

GDG Award winner Juliane Kühr guest on the DDCast

Award winner in the focus topic inclusion, Juliane Kühr, talks to Georg-Christof Bertsch on DDCAST about her project Vruit, a sextoy set for self-insemination. Juliane explains her inclusive approach to design and gives an outlook on the future of Vruit.
The podcast is in German.

DDCAST, the podcast of the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC), is one of the leading design podcasts in Europe. The programme policy is characterised by a consistent opening of the “design bubble” towards adjacent disciplines. The guest list is strictly gendered and divided into three groups, up to around 30, up to the mid-40s, from the mid-40s onwards, geared towards the equality of generational perspectives.

DDCAST 184 – Juliane Kühr // Eigen-Insemination gestalten

published 24/01/2024

Schools dates & deadlines 2024

The most important dates and deadlines of our partner schools at a glance:

HTW Dresden 
Application deadline SS: 15.01.2024
Application deadline WS: 15.07.2024

HS Magdeburg-Stendal 
Application deadline WS: 31.05.2024
Application deadline SS 2025: 30.11.2024

HfG Karlsruhe
Application deadline WS: 01.03. – 30.04.2024
Open day: 04.02.2024

HS Darmstadt
Application WS: 01.03 – 01.06.2024

HS Pforzheim (TBA) 

HS Düsseldorf
Application SS: 01.11.23 – 15.01.2024
Application WS: 15.05 – 15.07.2024

OTH Regensburg 
Application WS: 01.05 – 15.06.2024

HTW Berlin 
Homework: 26.02.2024
Application deadline WS: 20.03.2034

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 
Application deadline WS: 31.03.2024
“Winterwerkschau”: 02.-04.02.2024
Information Day: 01.06.2024

Application deadline SS: 15.01.2024
Application deadline WS: 15.07.2024

Kunsthochschule Weissensee Berlin 
Application deadline: 11.12.2023

FH Potsdam 
Info Day & Portfolio Consultation: 22.01.2024
Application: 01.01 – 01.04.2024

UDK Berlin 
Application BA: 15.03 – 15.04.2024
Application MA: 01.03 – 01.04.2024

HBK Saar 
Application deadline WS: 31.03.2024
Tour / Open Days: 09.02 – 11.02.2024
Info Day: 10.02.2024

KH Kassel 
Application deadline WS: 30.04.2024

HFBK Hamburg 
Info Day: 10.02.24
Application deadline WS: 01.02 – 05.03.2024

ABK Stuttgart 
Application deadline WS: 15.04 – 30.04.2024

HfG Offenbach 
Info Day: 09.02.2023
Application WS: 15.05 – 01.06.2024

HS Hannover 
Application deadline WS: 30.04.2024

Folkwang Universität Essen 
Application WS: 15.01 – 15.03.2024

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle 
Application: 01.12.2023 – 11.03.2024

Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel 
Info day: 14-15.02.2024
Application WS: 01-15.05.2024


To mark the occasion of the 70th anniversary of their sponsor, the German Design Council, the GDG 2023 has initiated an additional exhibition format to present the graduates of German universities in a broader European context.

Under the title Making Noise: Making Noise: Suggestions for a Complex World – Graduates attitudes and attempts towards the transformation of the world, German Design Graduates is showing 25 exciting works at the Dutch Design Week from 21.10 – 29.10.2023 in Eindhoven. The exhibition was curated by Jana Scholze and Amelie Klein.

More information about the exhibition and the selected projects


GD… Get Together

Saturday, 21. Oktober 2023, 4:30 pm
Klokgebouw, Hall 2, Plot 2.01

An open exchange with interested guests from culture and industry about the exhibited theses. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Form follows Friendship
A networking breakfast for design graduates

Sunday, 22.10.2023, 9.30am – 11am
Design Perron, Fuutlaan 12, 5613AB Eindhoven
Please enroll here

Join us for a Sunday Morning networking breakfast with young design talents! Start your DDW day with a chance to meet and mingle with design graduates form Germany and the Netherlands, introducing their novel projects addressing the ecological, social and political responsibility of design.

As forespeakers and ambassadors for design graduates, artistic director of DDW Miriam van der Lubbe shares thoughts about the power of graduates works shown at DDW before giving the word to the curators Amelie Klein and Jana Scholze. Both introduce briefly the exhibit Making Noise: Suggestions for a Complex World – Graduates attitudes and attempts towards the transformation of the world that they composed for DDW23 at Klokgebouw.

The talk is organized by German Design Graduates hosted by German Design Council together with the Dutch Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin as well as the Dutch Consulate-General in Duesseldorf.

MOno 4T Goes VIenna Design Week

© Nadia Morozewicz

The first edition of the Mono Residency, which is organized together with German Design Graduates, an initiative that supports product design graduates, started at the beginning of 2023. Following a kick-off session in the Mono manufactory in Mettmann in Germany, the ten designers, all of whom graduated between 2018 and 2022, entered a product development phase that lasted several months. To mark the 40th anniversary of Mono Tee, they designed individual pieces inspired by the brand’s iconic teapot. The 4T EXHIBITION shows the results of this cooperation: ten art and design objects that pick up on the materiality and typology of the Mono teapot, while also having the originality and aesthetic power to make their own statement.

With works by: Claire Wildenhues, Justus Hilfenhaus, Elena Kayser, Marie Radke, Julian Ribler, Matthias Gschwendtner, Sascha Huth, Paula Mühlena, Silvio Rebholz as well as BNAG (Oliver-Selim Boualam and Lukas Marstaller)

On Sunday, 24 September, Mono invites you to a special talk at the festival headquarters from 2 to 3 pm. Under the title “Being a designer – yesterday, today and tomorrow”, three generations of designers (Mikaela Dörfel, Mark Braun, Marie Radke and Silvio Rebholz) will talk about their jobs. The talk will be moderated by journalist Valerie Präkelt.

Mono 4T @ Vienna Design Week

Workshops iN THE Freiraum @ MK&G

In cooperation with the Freiraum im MK&G, the Hans Sauer Stiftung and German Design Graduates at the German Design Council, workshops with five outstanding graduates on a wide range of topics will take place from 6 to 8 October. The young designers from various disciplines will not only offer an insight into their practice, but will also give participants the opportunity to become active designers themselves using participatory methods and to enter into a discussion on topics and methods of design practice today and in the future.

The workshops will take place in the open meeting place of the museum and are free of charge. Binding registration via the forms below is required. Depending on the capacity of the workshops, participants can also be added spontaneously on site.

To the registration and further information on the workshops


The nine-member jury of experts selected the exhibits and 12 projects as finalists for the GDG Awards from a wide range of perspectives and with a broad range of expertise in a multi-stage process. After a tour of the exhibition by the jury, 4 winners were chosen and announced on the evening of the opening. Congratulations to:

Toxic Legacies Leila Wallisser
(non-) local lab Beatriz Oria Lombardía
Bücheria Anna Unterstab
Vruit Juliane Kühr

The winners at a glance


The supporting program for the opening of the GDG Exhibition Dare to Design offers space for discourse – not only about design, but above all about research and future topics. Join in the discussion!

An overview of the exhibitors and information about the exhibition can be found here

GDG EXHIBITION 2023 @ MK&G Hamburg

The preparations for the exhibition at the Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg are in full swing. This year, the jury has selected around 45 works in 4 categories for the exhibition, which have now been published.

An overview of the exhibitors and information about the exhibition can be found here

Platform Online

254 theses from 23 different universities were submitted by the deadline of 30 May 2023 and are now online on the Graduates Platform.

Graduates Platform


In a multi-stage process, our nine-member GDG expert jury has selected around 45 exhibits for the GDG Exhibition at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, as well as the finalists for the GDG Awards. We are very much looking forward to announcing the exhibitors very soon.

More information on the jury & the selection process


With diverse perspectives and a wide range of expertise, this year’s high-calibre, nine-member GDG expert jury selects around 45 exhibits for the GDG Exhibition at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, as well as the four winners of the GDG Awards, in a multi-stage process that has the potential to shape change.

More information on the jury & the selection process

Call For Entries 2023 – Apply Now!

Graduates of the participating universities can submit their theses until 15.05. via our online form. More information on formalities and funding formats can be found in the GDG Call for Entries 2023. We are looking forward to your projects.



Three graduates with exciting projects were selected in the public voting. This means they will win a workshop at the Design Campus Summer School of the Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, curated this year by studio d-o-t-s, as well as visibility in the exhibition Plant Fever.

More information on the voting & the Design Campus

Congratulations to the winners and thank you very much for participating in the public voting.

flushed / Sophia Reißenweber
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Urban Coolspot Project / Julia Sulikowska
Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee
Duda / Kareem Goshan
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim


Take your chance: choose your favourites and enable 3 graduates to participate in the summer school of the Design Campus of the Dresden State Art Collections, this year curated by studio d-o-t-s

In a multidisciplinary and transcultural discourse and research environment, the summer school questions the dichotomy of humanity and nature that is deeply rooted in Western thinking and invites shared critical and utopian thinking.

To the Voting


Thank you for visiting the Talents area, the GDG special areas, the Circular Materials for Future Dining special area by Haute Innovation and the German Design Award Newcomers stand.

All projects at a glance

Show older posts


Congratulations to the GDA Newcomer Finalists Anna Koppmann, Tobias Trübenbacher and Tim Schütze, three graduates from recent years!

Special congratulations to Tobias Trübenbacher, German Design Award Newcomer 2023.

Interview with Tobias Trübenbacher

German Design Graduates 2022 – GDG SHOW – Aftermovie


Once again this year, many graduates will have the opportunity to receive support. Thanks to the commitment of our network of experts, interviews, mentoring, coaching and exhibition space, for example, are made possible.

All supports 2022 at a glance


Four awards in different categories were presented by the German Design Graduates initiative and its project sponsor German Design Council at the Design Campus of the Kunstgewerbemuseum of the
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) in the Riverside Palace of Pillnitz Palace.

“I am impressed by the outstanding projects that the graduates of German higher-education institutions are presenting this year. Since its founding in 2019, the German Design Council has supported the German Design Graduates initiative, which in turn supports up-and-coming designers. Supporting budding young talents is as important to the foundation as it is to the initiative, which is why I am particularly pleased about the project’s sponsorship that has been in place since the beginning of the year.
The winning projects make the ideas of young designers for a sustainable and better future visible, confirming our conviction that the support of these pioneering thinkers in terms of funding and ideas is incredibly important for the innovative capacity of our economy
,” says Lutz Dietzold, CEO of the German Design Council, commenting on the award.

Congratulations t Yujin Kang, Louis Bruno Bindernagel, Ezra Dilger und Carolin Horn!

More information on the awards


The exhibition in the Design Campus of the Kunstgewerbemuseum der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) in the Wasserpalais at Pillnitz Palace can be seen until 31.10.2022. Further information can be found at GDG SHOW 2022.

Ausstellungsdesign von Chmara.Rosinke
Fotos: Oliver Killig


Outstanding graduates from Germany’s most renowned art and design colleges in the fields of product and industrial design will be presented from October 2 to 30, 2022 by the German Design Graduates initiative and its project sponsor, the German Design Council, in cooperation with the Design Campus of the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden. Under the influence of serious changes and developments in politics, society and the environment, the exhibition is dedicated to the central issues of our time and shows the most interesting ideas and approaches of young product design talents in the categories Sustainable Solutions, Everyday Life, Technical Innovation, Living Together and Future Scenarios. Further information about the exhibition & the supporting program can be found here.


On our GRADUATES PLATFORM you will now find all registered projects from 2022!

Click through the 231 exciting projects submitted by 20 of the best German universities. Not only will exciting exhibition projects be selected from all the submissions for the GDG Show 2022, but our network of ambassadors will also be scouring them for suitable work for mentoring and support.
We are overwhelmed by the diversity of the projects and congratulate all graduates on passing their exams despite these difficult times of crisis.


The annual Call for Entries is aimed at state-recognised art colleges, universities and universities of applied sciences with a focus on product or industrial design as well as design research, UX and service design, material design, social design and their graduates.

The project upload and thus access to the selection processes for funding formats is free of charge for graduates of the participating universities. Participation is open to graduates with a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Diplom degree whose graduation date is between 1 May of the previous year and 30 April of the current year.



The winners of the German Design Graduates Public Voting for the Design Campus have been selected!
Congratulations to Ella Einhell / TO THE BONES, Cindy Valdez / Migration of Matter and Lara Weller / BetaWare.
In addition to three workshop scholarships for the Design Campus Summer School of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, the scholarship holders, sponsored by the Goethe Institute, will also have the opportunity to present their work at the renowned Design Biennale BIO27 in Ljubljana this year.
We would like to thank all participants for over 2000 votes and our partners who make the scholarships that are offered to the graduates happen.


The German Design Graduates initiative and the German Design Council foundation are joining forces in their project work with immediate and future effect. By coming together, they aim to further enhance their support for product and industrial design graduates, work even more closely with state-approved German universities, art colleges and other higher-education institutions, and forge links with businesses to stimulate and ramp up the transfer between academia and industry.

“The strategic union creates synergies on all sides by virtue of our project sponsorship. To succeed on the market long-term, it is crucial that businesses now address important future-related issues about how to achieve a transformation – both sustainably and digitally – and that they incorporate design into these considerations as a critical factor. Here at the German Design Council, we act as an interface between forward-looking companies and talents who have the potential to bring about this transformation,” said Lutz Dietzold, CEO of the German Design Council.

Lutz Dietzold, CEO German Design Council  


Niklas Fiedler was awarded 2021 by baunetz | interior design for his work Switch2. In the article by Jasmin Jouhar, Niklas Fiedler gives an insight into the creation of his convertible chair, which is a work chair and lounge chair in one.


Congratulations! German Design Graduate Anne Bansen wins the German Design Award in the category “Newcomer”. Click here for the interview with Anne Bansen.

Bachelor project NoMo by Anne Bansen