A safety signal system for cyclists

Torben Brandies

September / September - 2023

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Bachelor of Arts


In the context of the ongoing shift in transport modes, many people would like to cycle more often for shorter journeys, but are put off by the current cycling infrastructure and do not feel safe cycling on the road. Often there is no clear separation between car and bike traffic, or cyclists are noticed too late. This is where Loox comes in. Consisting of a lighting system for better visibility of the surroundings and the user, a StVO-compliant indicator system for all types of bicycles, a rear-view mirror for better and more ergonomic visibility and a visual distance marker, cyclists are much safer on the road and feel that way. When not in use, the system can be compactly stored in a bag or backpack to protect it from theft and other external influences.