Jury 2024

Jury 2024

© Christof Jakob

The world and design as a discipline, its tasks and responsibilities, are constantly changing. Young talents who want to actively shape this change with attitude and innovative ideas must recognize developments and opportunities early on with an alert eye and bring relevant concepts into the world at the right time with appropriate means.

With diverse perspectives and broad-based expertise, this year’s high-caliber, thirteen-member GDG jury of experts will use a multi-stage process to select around 45 exhibits for the GDG Exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, as well as the winners for the GDG Awards, who have the potential to do just that – shape change.

The jury’s selection is characterized by a wide range of topics as well as differentiated design attitudes. The selected projects respond intelligently and in a forward-looking way to challenges at the intersection of culture, society, research, technology and sustainability. On the day before the opening of the exhibition, the award winners will be selected from among the exhibitors in a jury round, who will particularly impress the jurors with their outstanding work.

The graduation projects will be evaluated with individual weighting in the areas of innovation & impact, design & construction, and presentation & communication. In addition, specific selection criteria are added that relate to Sustainability & Circular Thinking, Society & Community, and Research & Transfer.

Barbara Lersch
Hans Sauer Stiftung

Viktoria Lea Heinrich
Productdesigner and curator MK&G Hamburg

Kris Krois
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

in collaboration with Rosario Talevi

Rosario Talevi
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

in collaboration with Kris Krois

Nicolas König
German Design Award Newcomer 2024

Nicola Stattmann
OMC°C and Stattmann Furniture

Matthias Wagner K
Director Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main

Werner Aisslinger
Studio Aisslinger

Anniek Timmermann

Stephan Ott

Stephan Ott
Institute for Design Research and Appliance (IfDRA)

Lynn Harles
Studio Harles

© Christof Jakob