A Metal Core PCB Driver-On-Board W-Lan Led Luminaire Range Dedicated to the Digital Future

Peer Alexander Assmann

September / September - 2023

Universität der Künste Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


The electric light has gone out – the electric light will shine on!

The aim of the ‘ON/OFF+THERE’ luminaire range is to use the latest advances in lighting technology to create innovative LED luminaires. Using digitally controllable driver-on-board LEDs, which combine all the electrical elements required for light generation on a metal-core PCB, the light source, electronics, heat sink and luminaire body are rationalised into a single effective and efficient component. In an applied research process, an extensible process for the production of usable luminaires has been developed. This serves as a starting point for designing luminaires away from the backward conventions of pre-determined consumables. The project highlights the need for socially useful design in the transition from the physical world to a digital future. Let’s switch on the light and take a look at the future!