be seeing you

A Critical Examination of Racism, Classism and Sexism in Patriarchal Surveillance Structures in the Context of Security and Artificial Intelligence

Lukas Henneberger

September / September - 2023

Universität der Künste Berlin

Master of Arts


The master thesis ‘be seeing you’ contains a critical examination of racism, classism and sexism in patriarchal surveillance structures in the context of security and artificial intelligence. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the social problems of artificial intelligence and its datasets in the context of surveillance technology. The haptic result is a dystopian product. The surveillance artefact ‘Rover’. A metallised and absolute exaggeration of German parochialism. The machine has a camera and a microcomputer that records and immediately punishes minor offences. A ticket printer is also built into the machine. The object recognition software is trained with images of offences such as failing to pick up after dogs, jaywalking, parking incorrectly or showing the middle finger. A symbolic representation of petty crime in a social context – which happens whether there is surveillance or not.