Adaptive interaction design to motivate ecological action

An App to Save Electricity

Ina Qian

Juli / July - 2023

Technische Universität Dresden



On average, 8% of the electricity consumed in German households is still wasted in standby mode, despite ecodesign guidelines. In this project, an app was developed to motivate people to save electricity and to (intelligently) control timers. Different approaches to eco-feedback, nudging and gamification are used depending on the target group, as people are motivated in different ways. For example, one person may take on challenges with their family to save for a virtual tree, while another person may like to collect badges on their own. The adaptive feature was realised through a dashboard that includes both basic modules and optional modules tailored to specific audiences. In addition, users can choose from three modes to determine the look and feel. To avoid overwhelming users, the look and feel of the start screen is initially determined by a query during the registration process.