A Monomaterial Modular Sofa

Moritz Knoll

September / September - 2023

Universität der Künste Berlin

Bachelor of Arts



The majority of existing sofa models on the market are made from inexpensive wood-based materials that are glued together with foam and covered with fabric. The result is objects that are difficult to separate from each other and whose toxin-contaminated materials make recycling even more difficult.

The overriding aim was to create a product that can have a physiognomically long life thanks to high-quality materials and stable construction elements, before it is ideally sent to a second-hand market before being biologically and technically recycled.

OTHEA is a modular sofa that can be separated by type and uses only mechanically connected mono-materials. Its elements can be individually repaired, replaced or ultimately fed into a recycling cycle. The different module sizes and screw-on backs allow individual set-ups to be created and quickly reconfigured. The covers are washable and easy to remove.