Undoing Arne

making patriarchal structures in product design tangible

Mira Müller

Februar / February - 2024

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Master of Arts


The Master's project 'undoing Arne' examines patriarchal structures in product design and strives for a more inclusive design practice. Based on design theory and practice, patriarchal structures are explored speculatively and critically. Despite many years of research, little has changed in design practice. The project aims to transfer the scientific discourse into practice and to create interfaces between design and science. The resulting designs serve as communication objects to make theoretical concepts tangible and to influence seating behaviour through feminist theory, in particular Judith Butler's concept of "undoing gender". The rewriting of Arne Jacobsen's design icon "3107" describes the necessary reflection of past values and authorship in design. The end result is not just chairs, but a design research in practice that strives for an inclusive future in design.