Young design is an indicator of the importance of social tasks. Design universities develop solutions and visions of the future for a wide variety of topics. Free from economic and technological constraints, students provide impetus and challenge established manufacturers with their designs.
MAGAZIN appreciates this free and unconventional view of things and is therefore a partner of German Design Graduates – an initiative of the German Design Council Foundation with the aim of promoting graduates in product and industrial design and giving them an international stage. Part of this stage is our exhibition ‘GUTE IDEE. MAGAZIN x GERMAN DESIGN GRADUATES”: MAGAZIN shows the final projects of 11 graduates from German design universities on a wide range of project topics. The focus is on the design of one’s own environment and innovative solutions in terms of sustainability, food waste and climate change. What all the concepts have in common is the will to tackle things and change the big picture with small-scale solutions. We are proud to present the designers and their work at the MAGAZIN shop in Stuttgart from 21-28 November 2024.
Are you taking part? Then please register using the form below.
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