A Ritual Tasting Set for Sunflower Oil

Katherine Victoria Lopez

Januar / January - 2024

Hochschule Düsseldorf

Master of Arts


The project ‘SOLIO’ is exploring the potential of residues from the sunflower oil industry.  With the leather-like Solio Soft and the solid Solio Solid, an oil-resistant biomaterial in different aggregate states is being developed based on the use of sunflower oil by-products and residues. On the other hand, a set for tasting high quality sunflower oil is being developed to demonstrate and make tangible the suitability of the oil as a tasty and healthy food and gourmet food. Consisting of an oil bottle with an oil bowl, a tablecloth and a breadboard, the oil is offered in a ceremonial manner. Through the consistent use and processing of materials and processes, the design remains within its context and thus has a strong inner logic. The project was developed in collaboration with a local oil producer who also produces the waste material, sunflower seed hulls, in the form of pellets.