Before the exhibition opening, we bring GDG graduates together with representatives from culture and industry, who select outstanding young designers for Awards & Supports based on intensive discussions.
Images © Mirja Zentgraf
The ambassadors come from four sectors: Design practice, design presentation, design culture and design press, in order to give the greatest possible variety of work a chance to receive supports.
Amongst others 2019 ambassadors were Nicolette Naumann from Ambiente, Dick Spierenburg from IMM, Lutz Dietzold from German design Council, Andreas Maegerlein from BASF Designfabrik and Stefan Dornhofer from MAGAZIN.

For graduates, the matchmaking event is an ideal opportunity to come into intensive and direct contact with well-known personalities in an environment that focuses on their own projects. For the ambassadors, the event is also an opportunity to recognize young talents at an early stage.

In der feierlichen Preisverleihung werden die ausgewählten Absolventinnen und Absolventen durch die Botschafter geehrt.