Wie schmeckt deine Nostalgie?

Chocolate That Can Convey Memories

Rongtian Xie

Februar / February - 2024

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

Master of Arts


This project aims to encourage the creativity of nostalgia, using the taste of chocolate as a medium and playful activities to share the beauty of memories. Life is like a box of chocolates: The main component of the project consists of different shapes and colours of chocolate. By combining different colours, flavours and textures, each chocolate represents different emotions. People can translate their own memory stories into chocolate, taking into account subjective feelings and assigning different emotions to these chocolates. The chocolate made can be given to others as gifts and toys. When passing on the chocolate, people can share their feelings and memories while tasting the chocolate, discussing and guessing how the different emotions and memories affect them.