I’ll pass, thank you.

Hybrid Garments as a Vehicle for Change

Loris Stephan

Februar / February - 2024

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Bachelor of Arts


Drawing on persistent experiences of hostility, particularly in public spaces, for perceived deviations from an image of masculinity, ‘I’ll pass, thank you.’ aims to reveal the constructedness and ambivalence of gendered clothing. Through subtle interventions in familiar silhouettes and clothing stereotypes, gendered readability is challenged and the appeal of this hybrid ambiguity is highlighted. The collection seduces with its familiar grace to subvert latent visual habits and gender roles, making familiar garments recognisable as subversive only at second glance and in their details. Strongly inspired by the social phenomenon of transience, commercialism and desirability are seen as a means of reaching the widest possible audience, while at the same time breaking down and disseminating notions of masculinity and femininity.