Schattentanz / Shadowdance

Nonverbales Emotionserlebnis durch Nutzung von Sensomotorik zur Distanzierung gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen an die Männlichkeit / Non-verbal emotional experience using sensorimotor skills to distance societal expectations of masculinity.

Selina Bohne

September / September - 2021

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


The pluralization of individual "masculinities" is creating a change in our society that is being equally taken into account. Regardless of this, specific negative behavior patterns are still tolerated by the general public. These include the view that showing emotions in certain situations is seen as weakness. Suppressing and repressing one's own feelings leads to increased pressure, creates stress and thus has a negative effect on the physique and psyche. The problem of expressing feelings verbally becomes apparent. The two-part product of the shadow dance offers an emotional experience for "masculinities" that suffer from social pressure. The combination of app and beabox engages sensorimotor skills through dance, music and colored light play. The concept is designed to create a safe and uplifting atmosphere for emotion exposure and to allow for a better sense of emotional state.