Gabriella Lányi

Februar / February - 2019

Fachhochschule Potsdam


A modular exhibition systems. The modules consist polycarbonate panels and aluminium joints.

What is the Topic?

To create a system which contains as less as possible different materials. A system which allows a quick and easy assembly with some handgrips. The materials must be lightweighted and space saving for transport and storage. Ensure a great amount of various possibilities, aesthetically attractive and highly functional.

Why does it look like this?

The design ist quite minimalistic. The combination of Polycarbonat and Aluminium provides a clear and elegant appearance. The structure of the Translucent Polycarbonat allows a special lightning effects . The dimensions of the modules are related to the human body measures(standing and sitting)

What is special?

The system gives you a great variability in shape and function. The modules can stand by themselves. They can be used in small or big spaces, indoor and outdoor. The materials can be bought in a bigger construction store (Baumarkt). To assembly you don't need any tools. My system gives a much bigger design freedom and space for unique look than the usual systems. It is possible to create different light effects.

What is new?

Through the structure of the polycarbonate you can create a big variety of different looks. It is possible to use special light effects and colours, print or paint. The free spaces can also be used for a unique style through putting things inside, for example: sand, wood, stones etc...