Jasper Precht

Februar / February - 2019

Fachhochschule Potsdam


A customizable, ergonomic handle, using the example of a notched trowel.

What is the Topic? is an approach to design an ergonomic handle to the customer needs, considering the principles of human centered design. Combining the empiric measurement of the human body, the anthropometry with the marketing strategy mass customization, to adapt dynamically to the different physiologic conditions of a hand or the ästhetic preferences of the customer.

Why does it look like this?

It does not look like "this". It looks different, depending on the shape of the hand. That are the advantages of parametric design, mass costumization and co-creation processes. Nothing is carved in stone. The costumer and the parameters decide on the shape of the handle.

What is special?

It is costomizable, scalable, costefficient, human-centered. It is not only a tooth trowel, but rather a whole manufacturing system or service that can be applied to other material goods.

What is new?

Neither mass customization, 3D printing technology, nor human centered design is new. However the combination of the marketing strategie, mass customization, the empiric sciences of anthropometry and the method human centered design might be a new holistic approach to an applied design of a hand tool.