oder aber ob

The Human Condition Within Things

Johanna Schneider

Juli / July - 2022

Staatliche Akademie für Bildende Künste Stuttgart



With “oder aber ob”, philosophy and design are intertwined. Instead of viewing theory as preceding research during the design process, the process of discussing and framing the subject intermingles writing with designs and allows text and objects to emerge. Within the thematic framework of Hannah Arendt's “The Human Condition”, the focus is on mankind as a manufacturing being, their things and the world surrounding them in book and object form. Each of the five designs represents one of Arendt’s discussion points and expands on it in an evocative way using design. In linking things and philosophy this way, the sphere of action of things is extended and a new design method is tried out. This way, the objects have a position within the discourse that negotiates their meaning, origin, and effect on people’s lives.