
An object as an anchor for daily self-reflection

Mia-Marie Henze

Februar / February - 2024

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Master of Arts


"Mindle" is a product designed to promote mental wellbeing and resilience. It provides a structured method for daily self-reflection to deepen understanding of the self. Intensive discussions and dialogue with psychology and mindfulness experts defined clear requirements for the product, which combines theory and practice. It is a valuable tool for people who want to actively work on their mental health. The set consists of a station with a holder for pens, clips, cards and the Bloombook.

"Mindle" is used twice a day as follows
1. take a card from one of the five categories (e.g. About me, Relationships, This is good for me).
2. introduction: answer the either/or question on the front.
3. deepen: read the question, action or information on the back.
4. take an action and/or make a note in the Bloombook.
5. visibly attach the card to the station using one of the clips.