Let Me Touch You

Touch Design: How to Blur the Line Between Living Beings and Things?

Zhihui Liu

Juli / July - 2023

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

Master of Arts


How long has it been since you have been touched? How long has it been since you have been touched?

Touch gives not only psychological but also emotional satisfaction. It is not only the touch itself that is important, but also the feel. Materials such as plastic or synthetic tend to be perceived negatively, while materials that are soft and human-like are perceived positively. The idea of the soft robot allows for an interactive product. The silicone model mimics human behaviour, such as breathing, by inflating and deflating. The deformation of the silicone model exerts pressure on the human skin, mimicking real human contact. The surface of the silicone is modelled on human skin. The silicone has also been combined with a conductive material so that it can detect and respond to human touch.