How Will the Leather Industry Develop in the Future?

Annika Sewing

Cooperation Partner: Revoltech GmbH, IKEA Stiftung

Juli / July - 2023

Kunsthochschule Kassel



Leather is a natural product renowned for its elegance, durability and versatility. However, chemical tanning processes have made leather production a problematic process for humans and the environment. This dissertation deals with the negative effects of this process. Firstly, it collects, categorises and compares future-oriented improvement options for the tanning process as well as alternative materials. Then, in collaboration with Revoltech GmbH, a bag was designed using a prototype of the innovative and recyclable leather alternative ‘LOVR’. The design focused on illustrating the visual effect of this new material using a typical leather product, the briefcase, thus establishing ‘LOVR’ as a new material. ‘LABORA’ offers a possible perspective on sustainable social development through material research.