Küchen Retrofit

Recommendations for Sustainable Kitchens: From Anonymous Living to Social and Climate-Change Resilient House Communities

Friedrich Wördehoff

Raphael Rustige

September / September - 2023

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Bachelor of Arts


The Kitchen Retrofit project offers recommendations for climate-resilient housing. It outlines a tangible utopia of a social and sustainable housing community that meets the challenges of climate change. The design combines historical storage and cooling concepts such as the earth cellar with the digital organisation of direct food deliveries from sustainable and fair agriculture and inner-city farms. The central social element is an open plan communal kitchen and dining area. Rarely used appliances and tools are centrally stored and shared. Food waste and grey water are valuable resources that are put to good use in local vegetable, fish and insect farming. Based on the kitchen, Kitchen Retrofit defines autonomous objects that are linked together in a meaningful way and, depending on the scale, serve as recommendations for action for existing and future homes.