An Interactive Seat for People With Alzheimer’s Dementia

Noemi Mateus

Juli / July - 2023

Fachhochschule Potsdam

Bachelor of Arts


The shortage of nursing staff reduces the quality of care for patients, as well as the activities available to them. For this reason, a seat has been designed for people in all stages of Alzheimer’s dementia that has a calming and distracting effect. Thanks to the plug-in system, the armrests are interchangeable to suit individual needs. Patients can explore different sensory stimuli, stimulating their senses and improving their cognitive abilities. This has a positive effect on the patient’s dexterity and prevents stiff fingers. All the furniture is made of solid oak and the upholstery is made of an antimicrobial cover with a waterproof and urine-resistant coating. ‘JOERGIE ‘ is designed not only to improve the well-being of patients, but also to increase the efficiency of medical facilities.