Sheet Metal Tools: New Possibilities in Ceramic Decoration

Jihye Han

Juli / July - 2023

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Bachelor of Arts


During the ceramic manufacturing process, trays are generally not used for decoration, but rather for scraping, smoothing the surface and precise trimming. However, when the porcelain surface is trimmed with a metal sheet and the residue is examined, a rough and vivid texture can be discovered. By making and using different shapes of sheet metal and simple tools, new applications of everyday materials were discovered and the variety of decorative techniques associated with them explored.  Each shape of sheet metal, whether wavy, flat or serrated, produces very different results. This variety makes it possible to create unique patterns and textures that give each ceramic piece a personal touch. This opens up the possibility of innovative and creative techniques for decorating ceramic surfaces.