From Filament to Product

Design of a Hybrid 3D-Printed Product

Jonas Duteloff

Juli / July - 2022

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden

Master of Arts


What can products look like that are 3D-printed in parts at home or in the FabLab? For which products is this technology useful? The master’s project “From Filament to Product - Design of a Hybrid 3D-Printed Product” explores these questions and reviews basic design rules. In addition, a technique is established in which the 3D-printed components are bent afterward, giving them a more adapted static nature. This was demonstrated using 3D-printed furniture connectors, where standard hardware store wood elements are joined together using wedges and eccentric joints. Thanks to the detachable connectors, all the parts can be reused or reassembled. This is particularly suitable for short-term usage scenarios, such as trade fairs or pop-up stores, as well as for private individuals who value flexibility.