
A Multi-Functional System for Your Interior

Verena Martensen

Juli / July - 2023

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


This bachelor’s thesis looked at ways of tackling the housing shortage in Germany.

Today’s lifestyles and living arrangements are becoming increasingly individualised and the demands on living space are diverse. The ‘FlexiMate’ modular room divider is intended to show new ways of using existing space more effectively and flexibly, and to encourage people to rethink the use and design of living spaces. A basic need that everyone has in common is washing and drying laundry, usually on a space-consuming monster called a clotheshorse. ‘FlexiMate’ playfully integrates laundry drying into the living space, offers other useful everyday benefits and combines user-friendliness with aesthetic design. In addition, the concept supports the creation of a more sustainable living culture through the conscious use of existing resources.