
An Interactive Construct of System and Process

Julie Ternus

Juli / July - 2023

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar



‘Emy’ is the development of an interactive furniture system whose final form remains variable. Based on the indeterminate abilities of the user, a product has been created that can be used interactively after the design process in order to participate in the design. Without tools and knowledge, the design of one’s own environment is reclaimed. The object develops in a playful way, focusing on the creation process. It can be extended and adapted to suit individual needs, depending on ability, thus shaping the relationship between the individual and the object. The different heights of the elements cover the usual room sizes. They can be used for growing age groups and avoid the purchase of new furniture that is only used temporarily. Utility value is increased and waste is reduced. Durable and functional, it is timeless and can be passed on to the next generation as a practical favourite.