Eine romantische Verschmelzung. Unserielle Perspektiven auf die Kunststoffertigung

Alexander Triffterer

Cooperation Partner: AW Kunststoff Farbkonzentrate GmbH

Januar / January - 2024

Hochschule Düsseldorf

Bachelor of Arts


‘The world needs to be romanticised. That’s how you find the original meaning’.
Inspired by the writings of Novalis, this project fuses the positions of Romanticism with the rationality-based working techniques of industrial production.  At the centre of the work is plastic, whose existence is more dependent on the achievements of serial production techniques than almost any other material. By adopting Romantic positions, the aim is to engage with plastic as a material through craft. The resulting structures and structural progressions allow for a new, more holistic view of this material. The new perspective contrasts with the smooth surface described as the ideal of modernism and allows for a romantic interpretation of design through the reflection of imperfection.