discover the cover

Transformation as a Playful Practice

Anna-Maria Argmann

März / March - 2024

Universität der Künste Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


The ‘discover the cover’ project aims to provide a new perspective on electronic waste and change attitudes towards defective equipment. In this project, new strategies such as the transformation of an object and “design within the existing structure” are used as forward-looking design methods. My method is to first dismantle the entire appliance and document its components in an exploded view. The plastic parts are then decontextualised, but their origin remains visible. Imaginative objects are created from a discarded mass product. In particular, original materials such as oak, stainless steel, glass and clay contrast with the industrially produced appliances. The new products open up unknown functions and the shells of electrical appliances are still integrated into people’s everyday lives. They are recognised in their new essence and their existence is still important.