
Bio-Intensive Agriculture Transport Equipment

Marius Greiner

März / March - 2024

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

Master of Arts


The ‘Landkraftwagen’ is a versatile piece of transport equipment for bio-intensive vegetable farming. This type of regenerative farming aims to maintain soil fertility over the long term, and therefore relies on minimally invasive methods such as ‘no-dig’ to achieve high yields with low resource use and high levels of physical labour. Instead of ploughing, wheelbarrows are used to build up permanent compost beds. Appropriate, lightweight tools do not yet exist or are too expensive for the farms. The designed product makes this repetitive, tedious task easier: the physical strain is reduced by increasing one’s own power, comparable to an e-bike, so that more compost can be moved at once. In line with the principle of low energy input, the process is still carried out manually, but with mechanical support during the pushing and lifting phases. The modular concept of the tractor and wagon allows for other applications, such as harvest transport.