Die Verpackung von Lebensmitteln für eine klimagerechte und ressourcenleichte Gesellschaft

Ruzena Hesse

März / March - 2021

Fachhochschule Potsdam

Bachelor of Arts


The work is about food packaging and its ecological impact on the environment. It is a kind of master plan, which should make the complexity of the problem tangible, clarify connections and offer design approaches. In this consumer and throwaway society, the enormous quantities of packaging lead to massive environmental problems. Valuable resources are being consumed rapidly and wastefully - along the entire value chain. In times of climate crisis, it becomes all the more clear that a transformation of the packaging system urgently needs to take place, and with it the design. This is because the design has a significant influence on the later impact of products and should therefore focus primarily on sustainability. The main aspects are the avoidance, reduction and modification of packaging and its production and handling methods - it is about unpackaging, reuse and recycling.