The Fashion Archetype's Death

My Lea Kelm Romance

Lea Kelm

Juli / July - 2023

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Master of Arts


The final thesis, “The Fashion Archetype’s Death”, is a critical analysis of the role of the idealised body in the fashion industry – the very thin, white, cis body without disabilities. A scientifically based handbook for fashion designers and a collection based on the handbook will show how inclusive design and tailoring can work. The handbook calls for the challenge of learned ways of thinking and working to make fashion accessible to all, regardless of body shape. Changing this on a large scale would not only bring social benefits but also help our environment. By designing fashion for every body shape and taking their needs into account, there would be far fewer mispurchases and returns on online orders. The needs of each body are identified during the production of the collection by involving models in the design process.