Aktionen von gestern.

Exhibition Concept for the 'Aktionsraum 1' for the ‚Archiv Der Avantgarden‘ in Dresden

Helena Carla Strauch-Stoll

Cooperation Partner: Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona, Dresden

Juli / July - 2023

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden

Master of Arts


The master’s thesis ‘Actions of Yesterday’ follows the process of an exhibition concept as a case study for the Archive of the Avant-Garde – Egidio Marzona (AdA) in Dresden. The AdA, which houses one of the largest collections of the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century, moved into the modern, extended blockhouse at the end of 2023. But a great building and a special collection are not everything. How can this special place and the forgotten abstract thoughts and ideas of the avant-garde be made accessible to the people of the city?  ‘Aktionsraum 1’ – an action art project in Munich from 1969-1970 – explored the potential of exhibition design for action art. Using various approaches, a comprehensive concept was developed over the course of the project, which opens up new perspectives on the action art of ‘Aktionsraum 1’ and the insights and opinions of the time.