Ein Festapparat für Gestaltungsprozesse

Object for Liminality

Marie-Theres Böhmker

Juli / July - 2023

Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg

Master of Arts


What is the value of an unrealised design? Have we forgotten how to appreciate collaborative work? What process moments can designers celebrate?
The “Festive Apparatus for Design Processes” opens up a space for testing and discussion. It is based on the eight pillars of good design (BÖHMKER) and is constantly being rearranged: as a balcony, an altar, an exhibition display, a supporting sculpture and much more. The festive apparatus is the starting point for negotiating these questions and, as a party tool, outlines new festive events, intermediate stages and gaps to be bridged in everyday design. It asserts itself as a collection of historical and critical practices of celebration that questions, shapes and celebrates the design process. Designers are encouraged to test and appropriate this object for liminality in diverse collective design constellations and to develop new possibilities for celebration.