What remains ?

Sustainable funeral products for Recomposing

Anna Freudenberg

Juli / July - 2023

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Bachelor of Arts


In the new burial method “recomposing”, the body is composted into fresh soil in a special container within 40 days, simply by adding hay substrate and its micro-organisms. The result is approximately 120 kg of sterile humus soil without human remains. According to strict German burial laws, this must also be buried in a cemetery grave. Two sustainable design solutions were developed for the specific context of burying the new soil. Firstly, a reusable earth coffin made of high quality PVC allows the new earth to be transported to the cemetery and discreetly placed in the grave using a special folding mechanism. Secondly, a range of high quality biodegradable biopolymer burial shrouds has been developed to cover the soil, with seeds of seasonal flowers incorporated. After a few weeks of decomposition and germination of the seeds, a beautiful carpet of flowers grows on the ground of the deceased.