Training your sense of touch through jewelry

Katrin Hirschler

September / September - 2023

Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen

Master of Arts


Loss of the sense of touch affects almost everyone. It can be caused by illnesses such as strokes, surgery or ageing. The earlier this loss is addressed, the greater the chances of maintaining, strengthening or regaining the sense of touch for longer. This can be achieved by improving circulation.

‘TIA’ focuses on training the tactile and haptic perception of the hands, as these are the most commonly affected and have to cope with countless everyday tasks. To this end, a collection of six rings has been developed with a highly structured design to stimulate circulation. ‘TIA’ is the first step towards making exercise attractive and invisible in everyday life. At the same time, the jewellery is a constant reminder to use it, with the aim of helping people of all ages to regain more dexterity.