Three Designs to Reach and Overcome Different Heights in Everyday Life

Carl Vollmer

September / September - 2022

Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen

Bachelor of Arts


To change light bulbs, take things in and out of upper cabinets, dust, or take down books from a shelf, chairs, tables or other pieces of furniture are usually converted and used as aids. In everyday situations, only a few people use stepladders, which are intended precisely for those moments. In this work, new conceptual approaches were realised which questioned conventional courses of action. Three step ladder designs emerged from the process, each with different strengths. Particular emphasis was placed on the step ladders being quick, easy, and versatile to use, simple to stow away, and easily integrated into everyday life. In addition, the raised platform is meant to convey a strong sense of safety, while still being lightweight in order to remain mobile.