spektrum osnabrück

Making the Tangible Visible - Product of the Atmosphere

Marlies Wieking

März / March - 2024

Fachhochschule Potsdam

Master of Arts


The tangible nature of spatial atmospheres is visualised in this work by creatively translating them onto quilts. Atmospheres are based on many different aspects of human perception, conceptually also on the craft of patchwork. Many individual parts make up a large whole. The quilts serve as a medium to make moods visible, to increase the attractiveness of non-metropolises and to attract attention. The result of an in-depth analysis, structuring and visualisation of the existing places in the city of Osnabrück are three iconic works that present the facets of the city in a new way. The use of traditional craftsmanship, interpreted in a modern way, gives a new appearance to what already exists. The interpretations of the atmosphere are varied and, like the atmosphere itself, can be experienced individually. Design helps to give direction to personal perception.