
The Bridge Between 2D and 3D

William Hoier

Februar / February - 2023

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


The design of the computer mouse is outdated. It was originally created for two-dimensional interfaces when computers primarily offered such displays. Despite the widespread use of 2D user interfaces, there is a growing interest in applications with spatial interaction interfaces. Software developers have also attempted to address the limitations of the computer mouse by implementing keyboard shortcuts, but these solutions are rarely intuitive. This bachelor thesis introduces the PortalMouse, which offers a novel interaction concept integrating seamlessly into existing workflows. It enables more intuitive and efficient navigation in three-dimensional spaces while also improving many 2D interactions. The PortalMouse aims to facilitate the transition for users entering the realm of 3D software. Successful implementation of the PortalMouse will empower software developers to further evolve computer programs into three-dimensionality, aligning with VR systems and other technologies.