Performative Extrusion

Reshaping methods of ceramic extrusion

Charlotte Marabito

September / September - 2022

Universität der Künste Berlin

Master of Arts


“Performative Extrusion” is the result of an experimental design process: conducting tests, observing processes, examining results, generating new knowledge, feeding insights back into the process, and repeating the cycle. Experimenting in design is an unusual design process that offers the opportunity to explore new approaches and discover new aesthetic and technical outcomes. In this project, the process of extrusion was removed from its industrial context and examined through an analogue approach. What other potential lies within this technique? How can movement be incorporated and the aesthetic potential be explored beyond the concept of efficiency? Performative Extrusion is a method for reshaping extruded ceramic mass. The characteristics of the matrix determine the movement, form, and function. Performative Extrusion is new and provides insights into the design of knowledge production.