Over the Top

in relation to jewelry

Maja Sonntag

Februar / February - 2023

Hochschule Düsseldorf

Bachelor of Arts


Excessive, kitsch, consume, abundance, provocative, unconventional, cross-bordering. All these terms inspired me in my conception and form finding. I like to work in large formats, which allows me to express my artistic freedom. My passion belongs to eye-catching objects. The work presented here on the topic "Over the Top" should attract attention by shape, color and size. The headpiece, the connected earrings and the necklace should represent a change of perspective on the classic goldsmith materials: glass stones instead of diamonds, color instead of gold. Based on the analysis of status, value and consumption, I made the decision to work with leftovers from the fashion jewelry industry. The aim was to give this "waste" a new value. The quality relies within the work, the idea and the rarity of this piece.