
Systemorientierter Campingservice / System oriented camping service

Yuqin Wu

April / April - 2022

Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach



Camping as a form of tourism offers people a pleasant experience close to nature. But it usually needs a lot of preparation before going, and the campsite tends to be located in far away natural areas. Is there a possibility to go camping without long preparation and without thinking about the distance? OnGrid_OffGrid is a system-oriented camping service that creates the possibility to escape the noise of the city by offering vacation options for city residents, which not only satisfies the ongoing for nature, but is also located right on their doorsteps. The core is a modular-based construction system that allows campsite planners to adapt to the relationship flexibly and sustainability between architecture and nature, thereby it offers a new sustainable camping solution that re-connects people and nature.