Obstacle detection system for the visually impaired

Adlai Mancilla

März / March - 2023

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


Despite the use of assistive devices such as a guide stick or a guide dog, walking on the street remains a stressful and risky situation in everyday life for people with a visual impairment. This is mainly due to their slow reaction time in low-contrast environments and the existence of overhanging objects or objects with a larger surface area or diameter on the top than on the ground. In response, “OHO!” aims to help them recognise obstacles in their path. It seeks to complement both the user's skills and abilities as well as existing “keypoints” in the German road traffic system. OHO! registers the environment using a central module with ultrasonic detectors and transmits the information using vibrations to a secondary module.