digital carving - digital leftovers

What can a translation of digital patterns into handcrafted forms achieve in terms of a new aesthetic?

Frank Felix Kummich

April / April - 2024

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Bachelor of Arts


The work explores the transformation of craft, industrial and digital production. Surface design plays a crucial role in this, offering a new perspective on ornamentation. Using digital production, a simple way of projecting reliefs onto geometries is explored. Artificial intelligence is used as a basis for the design. The reliefs are produced using a CNC milling machine. The aim is to create a visual and tactile experience of contemporary issues. The juxtaposition of historical craftsmanship and the surface design created in the work examines the extent to which socio-cultural ideas have developed, shifted or completely disappeared in the material cult. The historical and emotional connection is analysed through the forest state relics. Through their ornamental nature, these objects point to the problematic nature of German forests and complement conventional media.