Nature Bag

A Soluble Food Packaging as an Alternative to Plastic Packaging

Yehun Kang

März / March - 2023

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar



A Soluble Food Packaging as an Alternative to Plastic Packaging Plastic shapes our everyday lives. Our everyday lives are unimaginable without plastic. Plastic is just everywhere. Plastics are also problematic for the environment and have caused a global garbage problem. There are currently numerous solutions on offer. Governments are now starting to regulate the consumption of plastic in some places. But more waste separation and recycling alone will not solve the plastic crisis. We need a definitive solution. The solution is new materials. We need to reinvent plastic. The “Nature Bag” is an alternative to plastic packaging. It is an edible and soluble food packaging that dissolves when cooked at high temperatures above about 100 degrees Celsius, similar to instant noodles. After a meal with “Nature Bag”, there is no plastic waste.